Writing a project

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Your reports should be made professionally


All the reports must be written in English. Do your best to make sure your grammar is correct, and you'll get bonus points for that.

  • If you don't bother to at least use a software spelling-checker, you might get penalized;
  • Do not use automatic translators to translate text (such a procedure will most likely result in breaking all of the rules above).


  • Write your reports yourself;
  • If you use content from other sources (books or web-sites), cite the source or indicate that the text is not yours; claiming that it is yours, when it is not may result in a penalty;
  • Do not "recycle" text from older reports, unless there is a good reason to do so.


Your report should be "a large, properly formatted data file"[1];

  • Split the text into paragraphs when needed;
  • Separate the sections of the report so that the whole thing doesn't resemble a huge chunk of mumbo-jumbo;
  • Use the same style throughout the entire report (and preferably in all your other reports).

Source code

  • The code must be properly indented;
  • Use a fixed width font (ex: Courier) to improve readability;
  • You may only include the relevant parts of the source code, to reduce the number of printed pages;
  • Parts of the source code that were not written by you must be marked as "not my code"; the original author must be credited.