Uploading photos to photo.railean.net

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Note: this thing is obsolte, use Gallery Remote instead

Uploading the photos, method 1

  1. go to photo.railean.net
  2. click Login (top right corner)
  3. click on your album
  4. in the menu on the left, click Add Album (this will create a sub-album)
    • enter the album name, description, press Create when you are done
  5. enter the created album and press Add Items [also on the left column]
  6. click Upload Applet (the bar on top proposes several upload methods; you can try other ones too, ex: "From web browser" is convenient if you only want to upload a pic or two)
  7. press Add Items when you are ready with everything

  • Note that you might want to resize the photos to something smaller, ex: 1024x768, if they are too large.