Registration number verification

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Registration numbers - nobody likes them, especially when they are split into several chunks that have to go to different edit widgets (so you must perform more than one copy/paste operation from the keygen ;-) Nevertheless, they are the most common method of verifying the authenticity of the installed application, and most commercial software applies such checks.


registration number, serial number, verification, public key cryptography


  • Design and develop a registration number verification mechanism
  • That relies on public key cryptography


There are no specific requirements for this assignment, you will have to devise them yourself; but you can refer to the points below for some ideas:

  • entering a long number by hand is error prone, shorter numbers are preferred
  • depending on the font, some characters can look very similar, ex: 0O, Il1 - which can result in usability issues
  • instead of making people type numbers, you can have them copy a key-file to a directory, thus avoiding manual input
  • entering characters other than digits or Latin letters can be very difficult, consider using base64 encoding or something similar, to make sure numbers don't look like this "AAA±³¢Ø09ÐŒ͋͌͏Ѭ۞ᴥ‖╟╚▓▒☺"


  • Do not try to implement it in any way other than the way of public key cryptography; alternative approaches are easy to overcome
  • If you choose to do so, you are NOT getting the maximum grade for the project
  • Unless you also write a keygen, with ASCII art and old-school music ;-)

Grading policy

  • 9 - if it works correctly
  • 10 - if it works correctly and takes user experience into account

  • Alternative path - write a program that generates old-school music and renders moving text on the screen, applying a special effect on it.
    • 8 - if music XOR graphics is yours
    • 9 - if you meet the requirements for an 8 and add a unique feature that you think is 1337
    • 10 - the music AND graphics are yours


  • You must develop a module that can later be loaded by an application, which will call its functions to determine whether a number is valid or not. In other words, you need a VerifyNumber function that takes a string at the input and returns a bool (True if the number is valid, False if the number is not valid).
  • It is the task of the higher-level modules to decide what to do if VerifyNumber returned False, those decisions are outside the scope of this assignment.
  • Web-based applications are not special in any way; remember, you just need to write a function that decides if the number is good or not; what happens after the function returns - is somebody else's problem.
